Friday, September 07, 2007

We love to say we told you so

Check out today's Chicago Tribune for an expose on Jerry Weller's Nicaraguan land dealings.

The Tribune goes into some detail, finding several incidents where Weller failed to declare transactions in Nicaragua on his Congressional disclosure; differences in the amounts he reported for the purchase and sale prices of land; and an apparent conflict of interest with his support of the CAFTA agreement. The Tribune confirms earlier reports that Weller still has not fully disclosed his interests in Nicaragua.

So far, Weller continues to refuse to discuss the matter, which was first raised last summer by respected journalist Frank Smyth, as well as by campaign opponent John Pavich. Weller should have a hard time dismissing the report by the Tribune, which has consistently supported him. Can an Ethics Committee investigation be far behind?

Our past posts about this matter:
Weller's Nicaraguan Land Scandal
Weller Strikes Gold in Nicaragua
Other links:
Weller financial disclosure, 2006
Weller exemption letter, 3/2007
Weller financial disclosure, 2005
Supporting documents collected by Frank Smyth
